Graffiti on Gradele Festival

The Graffiti on Gradele Festival takes place at the end of July and the beginning of August in Bol. Over the past ten years this small art boutique festival has become an indispensable stop for the world’s best graffiti artists and muralists. Hundreds of painted walls, workshops, concerts, exhibitions and various socially responsible actions are the best indicator of the incredible growth of this art event. In addition to the excellent organization, the team behind the festival has perfected the formula for a perfect summer vacation for the participants




24.7. – 28.7.

Graffiti na Gradele u deset su godina svog održavanja od malog art boutique festivala postali nezaobilazna postaja najboljim svjetskim graffiti umjetnicima i muralistima

Stotine oslikanih zidova, održanih radionica, koncerata, izložbi i raznih društveno-odgovornih akcija, najbolji su pokazatelj nevjerojatnog rasta cijelog ovog art događanja. Osim vrhunske organizacije, ekipa koja stoji iza festivala, kroz godine je usavršila formulu savršenog ljetovanja za ekipu

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