80-The history of warriors
This Solin beauty takes us along the traces of the Game of Thrones, but also into the magnificent history of this area. The amphitheatre used to belong to ancient Salona, once the capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia, whose size can be seen from the remains of the imposing walls with towers, the city gates, a forum with temples, a theatre and a cemetery for Salonitan martyrs.
The amphitheatre was built in the second half of the 2nd century BC, outside the walls, but soon, due to the expansion of the city, it became part of the city itself, and its ramparts became part of the city walls. A cemetery for dead gladiators was found near the amphitheatre with inscriptions of their names, origins and martial specialities.
A depiction of the city on Trajan’s Column in Rome tells us about the importance of Salona in ancient times. Apart from the ancient cradle, Solin is also considered the cradle of ancient Croatian history. That is, Solin is one of the three important centres of the time where Croats immigrated around the year 800. The most valuable monument from that time is the Inscription of the Croatian queen Jelena, who ruled the kingdom from Solin, and the information about the coronation of the Croatian king Zvonimir in the Church of St. Peter and Moses in 1075.
Technical characteristics
An easy road ride is an ideal opportunity to warm up before one of the most demanding climbs in this area. It starts at the 3rd kilometre and at 3.5 km rises vertically by 360 metres with very long sections and a slope of over 15%. Start this trail on an MTB or E-MTB, because you will run out of gears if you choose a different type of bike. A surface of coarse concrete will take you along the entire climb, later being joined by a stretch of fine macadam, which constantly and gently climbs all the way to the mountain lodge. After the mountain lodge, a 2km descent awaits you on fine macadam, and after a short ride on a flat section, the most demanding descent on this trail follows, which takes you down a rough and stony, but wide path towards the quarry. The more technically skilled cyclists will especially enjoy this descent due to the high speed and rough terrain. A very wide macadam path leads around the quarry, which joins the road in the last 1.5 km. We definitely recommend an MTB or E-MTB to overcome this trail, as the long and steep climb at the beginning will test even the most physically fit riders.
A thrilling journey of discovery, unforgettable activities that promise to delight all the senses.